-- Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by Cisco Systems Inc.
-- All rights reserved.



           FROM RFC1155-SMI

           FROM RFC1493

           FROM RFC-1212

           FROM RFC1213-MIB

           FROM RFC-1513

           FROM IF-MIB

           FROM RFC-1215

           FROM CISCO-SMI;

tsStack OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { workgroup 32 }
--  LastUpdated
--    0003200000Z
--  OrgName
--    Cisco Systems, Inc.
--  ContactInfo
--     Cisco Systems
--     Customer Service
--    Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive
--            San Jose, CA  95134
--            USA
--    Tel: +1 800 553-NETS
--    E-mail: cs-snmp@cisco.com
--  Descr
--    MIB for the Cat3900 and Cat3920 Token Ring switches.

-- MAC address (in canonical format)

   MacAddr ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(6))

-- Managed Groups defined in this module

-- Global objects

ciscoTsMain     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tsStack 1 }

-- Configuration objects

ciscoTsConfig   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoTsMain 1 }

-- Rack/Stack Management Group

ciscoTsStack    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tsStack 2 }

-- Module Management Group 

ciscoTsModule   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tsStack 3 }

-- Port Level Managed Group

ciscoTsPort     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tsStack 4 }

-- Probe Management Group

ciscoTsProbe    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tsStack 5 }

-- Virtual LAN (TrCRF & TrBRF) Management Group

ciscoTsVLANS    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tsStack 6 }

-- TokenChannel Management Group

ciscoTsTChannel OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tsStack 7 }

-- Filter Configuration Group

ciscoTsFilter   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tsStack 8 }

-- Uplink MIBs

ciscoTsUplinkMIBs   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tsStack 9 }

-- Configuration objects

        SYNTAX  IpAddress
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The IP address of the current Token Ring
                 Bridge Relay Facility (TrBRF)."
        ::= { ciscoTsConfig 1 }

ciscoTsNetMask OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  IpAddress
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The subnet mask of the current TrBRF."
        ::= { ciscoTsConfig 2 }

ciscoTsDefaultGateway OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  IpAddress
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "IP default gateway of the current TrBRF."
        ::= { ciscoTsConfig 3 }

ciscoTsSysCurTime OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (1..128))
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Current time at the switch. To set the time
                 use the format yyyy mm dd hh mm ss. All 
                 fields are required. Setting this object will
                 reset the time in all the switches in the stack 
                 to the new value."
        ::= { ciscoTsConfig 4 }

ciscoTsConfiguration OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The stack configuration of the system. A
                 system can exist in three possible configurations.

                 1. Stand alone mode where the system has only one
                 switch and is not connected to any other switches.

                 2. Back to Back mode in which a pair of
                 switches are connected back to back through Stack

                 3. Matrix mode in which the stack has
                 up to eight switches connected to a Matrix
                 through the Stack Port."
        ::= { ciscoTsConfig 5 }

ciscoTsNumSwitches OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Total number of switches in the stack."
        ::= { ciscoTsConfig 6 }

ciscoTsStackStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER  { running(1) , updating(2)}
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Stack status indicates if the stack is going through
                 the Stack Management Update protocol. Management stations
                 should check this status if they receive a genErr on a
                 SET request for any of the stack wide attributes."
        ::= { ciscoTsConfig 7 }

ciscoTsTftpServer OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  IpAddress
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "TFTP sever's IP address."
        ::= { ciscoTsConfig 8}

ciscoTsTftpServerTrBRF OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..1024) 
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "TrBRF to which the server is connected."
        ::= { ciscoTsConfig 9 }

ciscoTsTftpFileLoc OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE(0..256))
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Path and filename of the binary file on the server."
        ::= { ciscoTsConfig 10 }

ciscoTsTftpDownload OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..9)
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Setting this to any number between 1 and 8 starts a TFTP
                download for that box. Setting this to 9 starts a TFTP
                download for all boxes in a stack. This object will always
                return a zero on a get request. If RMON is enabled on the
        switch or stack, then setting this object will cause the RMON
        feature to be disabled until the switch or stack is rebooted."
        ::= { ciscoTsConfig 11 }

ciscoTsTftpDownloadStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER { writing(1), complete(2), other(3) }
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Reading complete(2) from this object means the write
                to flash has succeeded and the switch is ready to be
        ::= { ciscoTsConfig 12 }

ciscoTsProStackMatrixStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER { primary(1), secondary(2) , none(3), failed(4)}
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Status of the Active Matrix module in the stack. 
                This object is set to none(3) if the switch is not 
                connected to a Matrix."
        ::= { ciscoTsConfig 13 }

ciscoTsNumMatrixModules OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Number of Matrix modules in the stack. This object 
                 is set to zero if the switch is not connected to a
        ::= { ciscoTsConfig 14 }

ciscoTsStackReset  OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Operational status of the controlling switch in the stack. 
                Setting this value to either coldReset(2) or warmReset(3) 
                will cause all boxes in the stack to cold start or warm 
                start after a predefined time delay."
        ::= { ciscoTsConfig 15 }

ciscoTsStackRMONStatistics  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) }
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Used to enable or disable the collection of RMON
                statistics on the switch/stack. After changing the
                state of this object, the switch must be rebooted for
                the changes to take effect."
        ::= { ciscoTsConfig 16 }

-- Trap Receiver Table

ciscoTsTrapRcvrTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CiscoTsTrapRcvrEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Trap Receiver Table for each TrBRF."
        ::= { ciscoTsConfig 25 }

ciscoTsTrapRcvrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  CiscoTsTrapRcvrEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Definition of each row in the TrBRF specific trap
                 receiver table."

        INDEX   { ciscoTsTrapRcvrIndex }
        ::= { ciscoTsTrapRcvrTable 1 }

CiscoTsTrapRcvrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        ciscoTsTrapRcvrIndex            INTEGER,
        ciscoTsTrapRcvrStatus           INTEGER,
        ciscoTsTrapRcvrIpAddress        IpAddress,
        ciscoTsTrapRcvrComm             DisplayString,
        ciscoTsTrapRcvrTrBRFs   OCTET STRING

ciscoTsTrapRcvrIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..65535)
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Trap receiver index for each entry. The switch only allows
        20 entries into this table." 
        ::= { ciscoTsTrapRcvrEntry 1 }

ciscoTsTrapRcvrStatus OBJECT-TYPE
                other(1),       -- none of the following
                valid(2),       -- a valid entry
                invalid(3),     -- an invalid entry
                create(4)       -- create row
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Setting the value of this object to invalid(3)
                deletes the row from the table.  The value
                invalid(3) should never be returned on a GET.  

                Setting this value to create(4) causes a new row
                to be created if the row does not already exist.
                To create a new row set ciscoTsTrapRcvrStatus to 
                create(4) and ciscoTsTrapRcvrIndex to any valid 
                index which does not already exist.

                The value returned on GETs should be valid(2) or
                other(1), which is used to indicate any other
        ::= { ciscoTsTrapRcvrEntry 2 }

ciscoTsTrapRcvrIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  IpAddress
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "IP address for an SNMP manager that is to receive
                the trap."
        ::= { ciscoTsTrapRcvrEntry 3 }

ciscoTsTrapRcvrComm OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (1..16))
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Community string to use in outgoing traps."
        ::= { ciscoTsTrapRcvrEntry 4 }

        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "TrBRFs on which traps to this target are sent.
                Each octet within the value of this object 
                specifies a set of eight TrBRFs, with the first 
                octet specifying TrBRFs 1 through 8, the second 
                octet specifying TrBRFs 9 through 16, etc.  
                Within each octet, the most significant bit 
                represents the lowest numbered TrBRF, and the 
                least significant bit represents the highest 
                numbered TrBRF.  Thus, each TrBRF of the stack
                is represented by a single bit within the
                value of this object.  If that bit has a value of
                '1' then that TrBRF is included in the set of
                TrBRFs sending traps; the TrBRF is not included 
                if its bit has a value of '0'. The default is all zeros.
                Reading all of the entries in the ciscoTsTrBRFInfoTable
                will give the possible valid bits that can be set. A value
                of all FF's will enable traps on all configured TrBRFs."
        ::= { ciscoTsTrapRcvrEntry 5 }

-- Stack management group

ciscoTsStackTable OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CiscoTsStackEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Stack information table. This table provides
                 the current configuration of the stack. It also
                 provides a mapping of Switch Numbers to their 
                 addresses.  There is one entry in this table
                 for each switch in the stack.  Entries cannot
                 be administratively created/deleted.

                 The Management Application is required to retrieve this
                 table and verify its own view of the stack periodically
                 and/or when it receives a trap indicating a change in the 
                 stack configuration."
        ::= { ciscoTsStack 1 }

ciscoTsStackEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  CiscoTsStackEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Definition of each row in the Stack Table"
        INDEX   { ciscoTsStackSwitchNumber, ciscoTsStackSwitchBIAddr }
        ::= { ciscoTsStackTable 1 }

CiscoTsStackEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        ciscoTsStackSwitchNumber                INTEGER,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchBIAddr                MacAddr,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchLAAddr                MacAddr,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchFwVersion             DisplayString,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchHwVersion             DisplayString,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchUptime                TimeTicks,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchStatus                INTEGER,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchTemperature           INTEGER,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchMemory                INTEGER,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchSPANPort              INTEGER,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchSPANMonitoredPort     INTEGER,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchFeatureStatus         INTEGER,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchFeatureKey            INTEGER,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchPorts                 OCTET STRING,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchAgingTime             INTEGER,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchAgingLevel            INTEGER,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchXmitFrames            Counter,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchRcvdFrames            Counter,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchRcvdErrFrames         Counter,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchLostFrames            Counter,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchPendingSendRqsts      Counter,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchXmitErrFrames         Counter,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchCurrActStations       Counter,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchLargestNumStations    Counter,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchMaxAddressChain       Gauge,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchAddressTblFulls       Counter,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchId                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchSPANMonitoredTrCRFs   OCTET STRING,
        ciscoTsStackSwitchPwrSupplyStatus       INTEGER

ciscoTsStackSwitchNumber  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..8)
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Switch number as determined by the port number
                that the switch is connected to in a Matrix or as 
                determined by the Stack Management software when two 
                switches are connected back to back."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 1 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchBIAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  MacAddr
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The burned in MAC address of the switch."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 2 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchLAAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  MacAddr
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The locally administered MAC address of the switch.
                After writing to this object, you must reset the switch."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 3 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchFwVersion  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (1..128))
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Version number for the firmware running on the switch."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 4 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchHwVersion  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (1..128))
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Hardware version number for the switch."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 5 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchUptime  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  TimeTicks
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Time ticks since the switch was last reset."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 6 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Operational status of the box. Setting this value
                 to either coldReset(2) or warmReset(3) will cause
                 cold start or warm start to occur after a predefined
                 time delay."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 7 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchTemperature  OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Temperature of each switch reported in degrees Celsius."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 8 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchMemory  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..32)
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Installed memory on the switch in MB."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 9 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchSPANPort OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..32)
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Port number to be used for the Switch Port Analyzer.
                 Setting this object to zero turns off the SPAN function."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 10 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchSPANMonitoredPort OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..32)
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Port monitored by the SPAN function."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 11 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchFeatureStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER { standard(1), enhanced(2) , unknown(3)}
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "This object indicates whether the switch is enabled 
                 to support enhanced features."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 12 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchFeatureKey OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Feature key to enable enhanced features. See the
                manual for information pertaining to enabling possible
                enhanced features."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 13 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchPorts OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "A bit mask representing all the ports present in this
                switch. Each octet within the value of this object 
                specifies a set of eight ports, with the first octet 
                specifying ports 1 through 8, the second octet specifying 
                ports 9 through 16, etc.  Within each octet, the most
                significant bit represents the lowest numbered
                port, and the least significant bit represents the
                highest numbered port.  Thus, each port of the
                switch is represented by a single bit within the
                value of this object.  If that bit has a value of
                '1' then that port is included in the set of
                ports in this switch; the port is not included in this
                switch if its bit has a value of '0'." 
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 14 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchAgingTime OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..9999)
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Aging time in minutes for the master address table entries
                 on this switch."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 15 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchAgingLevel OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER  (0..90)
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Threshold to demand age the master address table. All
                 numbers refer to percentage of the address table. The
                 only values accepted by the agent are 50,60,70,80,90
                 and 0. Setting the value to 0 disables demand aging."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 16 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchXmitFrames OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Frames transmitted by the CPU."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 18 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchRcvdFrames OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Frames received for processing by the CPU."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 19 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchRcvdErrFrames OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Error frames received by the CPU."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 20 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchLostFrames OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Frames lost by the CPU while trying to transmit."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 21 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchPendingSendRqsts OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Frames queued in the CPU's transmit buffer."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 22 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchXmitErrFrames OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Frames in error due to buffer overflows or drops
                in the CPU."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 23 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchCurrActStations OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The number of station address entries currently active
                in the switch."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 24 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchLargestNumStations OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The largest number of active stations ever seen on the
                switch since the last reboot, or clearing of statistics."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 25 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchMaxAddressChain OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Gauge
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The longest chain of addresses anywhere in the CPU's 
                address hash table."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 26 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchAddressTblFulls OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The number of times a hash table chain has filled up."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 27 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchId  OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The object ID used to uniquely identify the type of
                 Cisco token ring switch."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 28 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchSPANMonitoredTrCRFs OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Token Ring Concentrator Facilities (TrCRFs) for which 
                traffic on the port specified by
                ciscoTsStackSwitchSPANMonitoredPort should be monitored.
                Individual TrCRFs can be selected for monitoring only
                on trunk ports.
                Each octet within the value of this object 
                specifies a set of eight TrCRFs, with the first 
                octet specifying TrCRFs 1 through 8, the second 
                octet specifying TrCRFs 9 through 16, etc.  
                Within each octet, the most significant bit 
                represents the lowest numbered TrCRF, and the 
                least significant bit represents the highest 
                numbered TrCRF.  Thus, each TrCRF of the stack
                is represented by a single bit within the
                value of this object.  If that bit has a value of
                '1' then that TrCRF is included in the set of
                TrCRFs for which traffic should be monitored ;
                the TrCRF is not included if its bit has a value of '0'.
                The default is all zeros.

                Get requests for this object will return all zeros 
                if ciscoTsStackSwitchSPANMonitoredPort specifies a
                non-trunk port.  Set requests for this object will
                be rejected with a 'badValue' error if
                ciscoTsStackSwitchSPANMonitoredPort specifies a
                non-trunk port.  "
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 29 }

ciscoTsStackSwitchPwrSupplyStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The status of the power supply of the switch. The values
                have the following meanings:

                unknown(1) : 
                The status is not known.

                internal-only(2) : 
                The switch is not capable of redundant power.

                internal-no-backup(3) : 
                The switch is capable of redundant power, but is currently 
                operating on the internal supply with no RPS attached.

                internal-backup-will-reset(4) : 
                The switch is capable of redundant power and is currently
                opertaing on the internal supply. A RPS is attached, but
                if the internal supply fails there will be a reset.

                external-no-backup(5) :
                The switch is capable of redundant power and is currently
                operating on a single external RPS connection.

                external-backup-no-reset(6) :
                The switch is capable of redundant power and is currently
                operating with a y-connected external RPS. If one supply
                in the RPS fails there will be no interuption of operation."
        ::= { ciscoTsStackEntry 30 }

-- Module Configuration Table

ciscoTsModTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CiscoTsModEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Module configuration table.  There is one entry
                 in the table for each module in a stack.
                 Entries cannot be administratively created/deleted." 
        ::= { ciscoTsModule 1 }

ciscoTsModEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  CiscoTsModEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Definition of each row in the Module Table"
        INDEX   { ciscoTsModSwitchNumber, ciscoTsModNumber }
        ::= { ciscoTsModTable 1 }

CiscoTsModEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        ciscoTsModSwitchNumber  INTEGER,
        ciscoTsModNumber        INTEGER,
        ciscoTsModState         INTEGER,
        ciscoTsModType          INTEGER,
        ciscoTsModRevision      DisplayString,
        ciscoTsModFwVer         DisplayString,
        ciscoTsModNumPorts      INTEGER,
        ciscoTsModUptime        TimeTicks

ciscoTsModSwitchNumber  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..8)
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Switch number as determined by the port number
                that the switch is connected to in a
                Matrix or as determined by the Stack Management 
                software when two switches are connected back
                to back."
        ::= { ciscoTsModEntry 1 }

ciscoTsModNumber  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..4)
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The module number."
        ::= { ciscoTsModEntry 2 }

ciscoTsModState  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER { nomodule(1), running(2) , faulty(3) }
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The state indicates the current operational state of the
        ::= { ciscoTsModEntry 3 }

ciscoTsModType  OBJECT-TYPE
                 system(1),             -- Base T/R Ports and CPU
                 proStack(2),           -- Stack Port Module
                 proPort4TR(3),         -- 4 port expansion
                 proPort4Fiber(4),      -- 4 port fiber 
                 proPortISL-FX(5),      -- FX ISL uplink module
                 proPortISL-TX(6),      -- TX ISL uplink module
                 proPortATM155Fiber(8), -- ATM Module - Fiber
                 proPortATM155UTP(9),   -- TX ATM Module - UTP
                 unknown(10),           -- Unknown Module
                 none(11)               -- Slot is empty
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The type of module plugged in to the slot. Module type 
                 system(1) represents the mother board with the CPU and
                 system memory. Module state none(10) represents a slot 
                 with no modules plugged in (indicated by ciscoTsModState)."
        ::= { ciscoTsModEntry 4 }

ciscoTsModRevision  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  DisplayString
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The module revision number."
        ::= { ciscoTsModEntry 5 }

ciscoTsModFwVer  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  DisplayString
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The module's firmware version."
        ::= { ciscoTsModEntry 6 }

ciscoTsModNumPorts  OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Total number of ports in the module."
        ::= { ciscoTsModEntry 7 }

ciscoTsModUptime  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  TimeTicks
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Time ticks since the module was last reset."
        ::= { ciscoTsModEntry 8 }

-- ciscoTs Port tables

ciscoTsPortCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CiscoTsPortCfgEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "A table of configuration information about each port.
                 There is one entry for each port in a stack.  Entries
                 cannot be administratively created/deleted."
        ::= { ciscoTsPort 1 }

ciscoTsPortCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  CiscoTsPortCfgEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Definition of rows in the port configuration table."
        INDEX   { ciscoTsStackSwitchNumber, ciscoTsPortCfgNumber }
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgTable 1 }

CiscoTsPortCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        ciscoTsPortCfgNumber                    INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgModNumber                 INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgIfIndex                   INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgResetStats                INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgResetAddrs                INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgAddrAgingTime             INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgDemandAgingLevel          INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgErrLoThreshold            INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgErrHiThreshold            INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgErrSampling               INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgMaxTransmitUnit           INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgMaxExplorerRate           INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgSetACbits                 INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgEarlyTokenRlse            INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgForwardingMode            INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgActualForwardingMode      INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgPortMode                  INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgActualPortMode            INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgPriorityThres             INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgMinXmitPriority           INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgCfgLossInterval           INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgCfgLossThres              INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgBcastSuppresion           INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgCDPTimeToLive             INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgSpanningTreeMode          INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgSecurityMode              INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgSoftErrThreshold          INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgSoftErrReportInterval     INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortCfgSoftErrorMonitoring       INTEGER

ciscoTsPortCfgNumber OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..32)
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "A unique value for each port entry.  The value
                corresponds the port number."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 1 }

ciscoTsPortCfgModNumber  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..4)
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Module number of the module that contains this port."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 2 }

ciscoTsPortCfgIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "A pointer to the entry in the ifTable corresponding
                 to this port."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 3 }

ciscoTsPortCfgResetStats OBJECT-TYPE
                other(1),       -- none of the following
                running(2),     -- port is functioning
                reset(3)        -- reset port counters
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Setting this object to reset(3) causes all
                traffic counters for this port to be set to zero.
                Also the value of ciscoTsPortStatsResetTimer is set to
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 4 }

ciscoTsPortCfgResetAddrs OBJECT-TYPE
                other(1),       -- none of the following
                running(2),     -- port is functioning
                reset(3)        -- clear address table &
                }               --  reset port counters
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Setting this object to reset(3) clears all
                address table entries for this port as well as
                setting all port traffic counters to zero and
                setting ciscoTsPortStatsResetTimer to zero."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 5 }

ciscoTsPortCfgAddrAgingTime OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..9999)
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Port level address aging time in minutes. Setting this object
                 to zero disables address aging."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 6 }

ciscoTsPortCfgDemandAgingLevel OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER  (0..90)
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Threshold to demand age the port address table. All
                 numbers refer to percentage of the address table. The
                 only values accepted by the agent are 50,60,70,80,90
                 and 0. Setting the value to 0 disables demand aging."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 7 }

ciscoTsPortCfgErrLoThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..100)
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Lower error rate threshold which causes the port to
                transition from store and forward mode to cut-through mode."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 8 }

ciscoTsPortCfgErrHiThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..100)
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Upper error rate threshold which causes the port to
                transition from cut-through mode to store and forward mode."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 9 }

ciscoTsPortCfgErrSampling OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..60)
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Error sampling interval in minutes."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 10 }

ciscoTsPortCfgMaxTransmitUnit OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "MTU size. The valid values for this object are 1500,
                4472, 8144 and 17800. The value specified cannot exceed 
                the vtpVlanMTU (see Cisco VTP MIB) for the TrBRF that 
                this port is a member of.  Set requests for invalid values 
                will be rejected with a 'badValue' error."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 11 }

ciscoTsPortCfgMaxExplorerRate OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (-1..5000)
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Explorer frame forwarding rate per second throttle.
                A value of (-1) disables explorer frame throttling." 
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 12 }

ciscoTsPortCfgSetACbits OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER {enabled(1), disabled(2)}
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Specifies if the AC bits shall be set unconditionally
                when a port forwards certain LLC frames."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 13 }

ciscoTsPortCfgEarlyTokenRlse OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER {enabled(1), disabled(2)}
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Early token release operation."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 14 }

ciscoTsPortCfgForwardingMode OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER { auto(1),
                          unknown(4) }
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Operational frame switching mode for the port. When in
                auto mode the port uses the Direct Cut algorithm to place
                the port in either cutthru(3) or storeandforward(2) mode."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 15 }

ciscoTsPortCfgActualForwardingMode OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER { storeandforward(1), 
                          unknown(3) }
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Actual operational frame switching mode for the port."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 16 }

ciscoTsPortCfgPortMode OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER { auto(1), 
                          unknown(8) }
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Port operation mode.  Only the HDX and FDX modes can be
                auto detected. Note, that passive-probe(7) mode can not be
                set with this object. The passive-probe(7) mode is set
                automatically when a passive probe is defined in the
                ciscoTsPassiveProbeTable.  Note also that ri-ro(6) is only
                valid for ports 19, 20 (Catalyst 3900), and ports on a fiber 
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 17 }

ciscoTsPortCfgActualPortMode OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER { hdx-Port(1),
                          unknown(7) }
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The actual port operation mode. If the port is in auto mode,
                this object will return the mode that the port opened in."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 18 }

ciscoTsPortCfgPriorityThres OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..7)
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The highest token-ring frame priority that shall go to
                the low-priority transmit queue."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 19 }

ciscoTsPortCfgMinXmitPriority OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..6)
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The minimum token priority that will be used for
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 20 }

ciscoTsPortCfgCfgLossThres OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX   INTEGER (1..100)
     ACCESS   read-write
     STATUS   mandatory
         "Number of configuration loss events (described in
          TsPortCfgLossRC) during the sample period which, if
          exceeded, should cause the port to be disabled. If the
          port is disabled by this function the port must be
          manually re-enabled."
     ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 21 }

ciscoTsPortCfgCfgLossInterval OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX   INTEGER (1..60)
     ACCESS   read-write
     STATUS   mandatory
         "The sampling period, in minutes, for which the port
          monitors to determine if the configuration loss threshold has
          been exceeded."
     ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 22 }

ciscoTsPortCfgBcastSuppresion OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX   INTEGER (0..100)
     ACCESS   read-write
     STATUS   mandatory
         "The number of broadcast frames per second allowed to be
         forwarded by this port.  Any broadcast frames exceeding
         this watermark will not be forwarded by the port. Setting this
         object to 0 turns broadcast suppression off."
     ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 23 }

ciscoTsPortCfgCDPTimeToLive OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER(0..255)
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The advertised time-to-live parameter on all CDP messages
                generated by this switch on this port."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 24 }

ciscoTsPortCfgSpanningTreeMode  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER { auto(1), forwarding(2), blocking(3), unknown(4) }
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Used when configuring manual spanning tree. Setting
                this object to forwarding(2) or blocking(3) overrides
                the TrCRF's spanning tree's algorithm for this port." 
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 25 }

ciscoTsPortCfgSecurityMode  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER { normal(1), 
                          secure-src-and-dest-addrs(4) }
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Port security mode is used to disable address learning
                at a port where an allow-source or allow-destination
                MAC address filter is configured.  A value of normal(1)
                indicates that the port is not configured for security.
                A value of secure-src-addrs(2) indicates that learning
                for source addresses is disabled.  A value of
                secure-dest-addrs(3) indicates that learning for
                destination addresses is disabled.  A value of 
                secure-src-and-dest-addrs(4) indicates that learning is
                disabled for both source and destination addresses."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 26 }

ciscoTsPortCfgSoftErrThreshold  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..255)
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The number of soft errors reported from a station 
                connected to this port which, if exceeded, should
                cause a soft error exceeded trap to be issued. The
                error counters being monitored and compared to this
                threshold value are all of the error counters in the
                ringStationTable (see RFC 1513)."
                DEFVAL { 100 }
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 27 }

ciscoTsPortCfgSoftErrReportInterval  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The sampling period, in seconds, in which each station
                connected to this port will be monitored for excessive
                soft error reports. If a station reports more than
                ciscoTsPortCfgSoftErrThreshold errors within the sampling
                period a trap will be issued to the management station(s).
                Setting a value of 0 will cause no traps to be sent for
                this port."
                DEFVAL { 60 }
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 28 }

ciscoTsPortCfgSoftErrorMonitoring  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) }
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Used to enable or disable, for this port, the collection
                of soft error statistics and the sending of traps when
                the configured error threshold is exceeded. If RMON 
                statistics collection is not enabled, then the soft error
                statistics will only be available from the console."
                DEFVAL { disable }
        ::= { ciscoTsPortCfgEntry 29 }

ciscoTsPortStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CiscoTsPortStatsEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "A table of statistical information about each port.
                 There is one entry for each port in a stack.  Entries
                 cannot be administratively created/deleted"
        ::= { ciscoTsPort 2 }

ciscoTsPortStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  CiscoTsPortStatsEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Definition of rows in the port statistics table."
        INDEX   { ciscoTsStackSwitchNumber, ciscoTsPortStatsNumber }
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsTable 1 }

CiscoTsPortStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        ciscoTsPortStatsNumber                  INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortStatsModNumber               INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortStatsIfIndex                 INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortStatsRcvLocalFrames          Counter,
        ciscoTsPortStatsForwardedFrames         Counter,
        ciscoTsPortStatsStations                Counter,
        ciscoTsPortStatsSWHandledFrames         Counter,
        ciscoTsPortStatsLocalStations           Counter,
        ciscoTsPortStatsRemoteStations          Counter,
        ciscoTsPortStatsUnknownStaFrames        Counter,
        ciscoTsPortStatsResetTimer              TimeTicks,
        ciscoTsPortStatsInFrames                Counter,
        ciscoTsPortStatsOutFrames               Counter,
        ciscoTsPortStatsLongFrames              Counter,
        ciscoTsPortStatsShortFrames             Counter,
        ciscoTsPortStatsInBufOverflows          Counter,
        ciscoTsPortStatsOutBufOverflows         Counter,
        ciscoTsPortStatsRcvBcasts               Counter,
        ciscoTsPortStatsRcvMcasts               Counter,
        ciscoTsPortStatsSwitchedFrames          Counter,
        ciscoTsPortStatsPktsInErrors            Counter,
        ciscoTsPortStatsAddrChainOverflows      Counter,
        ciscoTsPortStatsTableOverflows          Counter,
        ciscoTsPortStatsCfgLoss                 Counter,
        ciscoTsPortStatsCfgLossRC               INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPortStatsTrCRF                   OCTET STRING,
        ciscoTsPortStatsAutoDisableRC           INTEGER

ciscoTsPortStatsNumber OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..32)
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "A unique value for each port entry.  The value
                corresponds the port number."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 1 }

ciscoTsPortStatsModNumber  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..4)
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Module number of the module that contains this port."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 2 }

ciscoTsPortStatsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "A pointer to the entry in the ifTable corresponding
                 to this port."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 3 }

ciscoTsPortStatsRcvLocalFrames OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Number of frames received where the destination
                station address is on this port."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 4 }

ciscoTsPortStatsForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Number of frames received on this port and
                 forwarded to another port or to the system module 
                 for processing."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 5 }

ciscoTsPortStatsStations OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Number of active stations in the address table for this
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 6 }

ciscoTsPortStatsSWHandledFrames OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Number of frames received on this port and
                delivered to the system module for processing."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 7 }

ciscoTsPortStatsLocalStations OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Number of stations on this port which belong to
                the local segment."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 8 }

ciscoTsPortStatsRemoteStations OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Number of stations on this port which belong to
                another segment."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 9 }

ciscoTsPortStatsUnknownStaFrames OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Number of unicast frames received on this port
                and forwarded to the system module for processing
                because the source or destination station address 
                is not in the port's forwarding table."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 10 }

ciscoTsPortStatsResetTimer OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  TimeTicks
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Time (in 100th second ticks) since the port
                counters were reset."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 11 }

ciscoTsPortStatsInFrames OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Total number of frames received on this port."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 12 }

ciscoTsPortStatsOutFrames OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Total number of frames transmitted by this port."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 13 }

ciscoTsPortStatsLongFrames OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Total number of frames received on this port which were
                 too long."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 14 }

ciscoTsPortStatsShortFrames OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Total number of frames received on this port which were
                 too short."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 15 }

ciscoTsPortStatsInBufOverflows OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Total number of frames received on this port which
                 caused a receive buffer overflow."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 16 }

ciscoTsPortStatsOutBufOverflows OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Total number of frames which could not be transmitted
                 from this port because of transmit buffer overflow."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 17 }

ciscoTsPortStatsRcvBcasts OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Number of broadcast frames received on this port
                without errors."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 18 }

ciscoTsPortStatsRcvMcasts OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Number of multicast frames received on this port
                without errors."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 19 }

ciscoTsPortStatsSwitchedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Number of frames switched on this port."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 20 }

ciscoTsPortStatsPktsInErrors OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Total number of packets received or transmitted
                 from this port in which there was an error."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 21 }

ciscoTsPortStatsAddrChainOverflows OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Number of times an address chain was full when trying to 
                 add an entry to the port address table."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 22 }

ciscoTsPortStatsTableOverflows OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Number of times the address table  was full when trying 
                 to add an entry to the port address table."
        ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 23 }

ciscoTsPortStatsCfgLoss OBJECT-TYPE
     ACCESS   read-only
     STATUS   mandatory
         "Number of events, as described in ciscoTsPortCfgLossRC,
          after the port has completed the join process and
          then lost communication."
     ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 24 }

ciscoTsPortStatsCfgLossRC OBJECT-TYPE
     ACCESS   read-only
     STATUS   mandatory
         "Reason code describing the cause of the latest 
          configuration loss.  A value of no-cfg-loss(7) will
          be returned when there has not been a configuration
     ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 25 }

    ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS  mandatory
        "The TrCRF or TrCRFs that a port is assigned to. Only trunk
        ports such as ISL and ATM can be members of multiple TrCRFs.
        Each octet within the value of this object specifies a set of
        eight TrCRFs, with the first octet specifying TrCRFs 1 through 8,
        the second octet specifying TrCRFs 9 through 16, etc.  Within 
        each octet, the most significant bit represents the lowest 
        numbered TrCRF, and the least significant bit represents the 
        highest numbered TrCRF.  Thus, each TrCRF of the stack is 
        represented by a single bit within the value of this object.
        If that bit has a value of '1', then the port is assigned to
        that TrCRF.  If that bit has a value of '0', then the port is not
        assigned to the TrCRF."
    ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 26 }
ciscoTsPortStatsAutoDisableRC OBJECT-TYPE
     ACCESS   read-only
     STATUS   mandatory
         "Reason code describing the cause for a port having been
          disabled by the switch software.  A value of not-disabled(1)
          will be returned when the port has not been disabled by the
          switch software."
     ::= { ciscoTsPortStatsEntry 27 }

-- Passive Probe port

ciscoTsPassiveProbeTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CiscoTsPassiveProbeEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Passive probe port configuration table.  There
                 are always two entries in the table.  These
                 entries cannot be administratively deleted and
                 no rows can be created."
        ::= { ciscoTsProbe 1 }

ciscoTsPassiveProbeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  CiscoTsPassiveProbeEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Definition of each row in the table."
        INDEX { ciscoTsStackSwitchNumber, ciscoTsPassiveProbeIndex }
        ::= { ciscoTsPassiveProbeTable 1 }

CiscoTsPassiveProbeEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        ciscoTsPassiveProbeIndex                INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPassiveProbePort                 INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPassiveProbeMonitoredPort        INTEGER,
        ciscoTsPassiveProbeDirection            INTEGER

ciscoTsPassiveProbeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..2)
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Index into the Passive Probe port table.
                The following table describes the configuration
                options for the ciscoTsPassiveProbeTable. The
                PortMode column represents the operational mode
                of the ciscoTsPassiveProbeMonitoredPort.

                Index     PortMode     Probe Direction
                  1         HDX            both  
                  1         FDX            receive
                  2         HDX            both
                  2         FDX            transmit

                Set the objects in this table according to
                how you want to monitor the traffic."
        ::= { ciscoTsPassiveProbeEntry 1 }

ciscoTsPassiveProbePort OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..28)
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The port that is configured to mirror traffic
                from another port in the switch. This is the port
                to which you can connect an RMON probe.  Setting this
                object to zero turns off the passive probe."
        ::= { ciscoTsPassiveProbeEntry 2 }

ciscoTsPassiveProbeMonitoredPort OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..28)
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The port that will have its traffic mirrored onto
                the probe port. Set this object to a non-zero value
                to have that port's traffic copied to the monitoring
                port. The default value is 0."
        ::= { ciscoTsPassiveProbeEntry 3 }

ciscoTsPassiveProbeDirection OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER { transmit(1), --FDX ports only
                          receive(2),  --FDX ports only
                          both(3),      --HDX ports only
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Direction of traffic flow that is being monitored."
        ::= { ciscoTsPassiveProbeEntry 4 }

-- TrCRF Config and Info Table 
-- Supports dynamic configuration of TrCRFS

        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CiscoTsTrCRFInfoEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "TrCRF information table.  There is one entry
                 for each TrCRF in a stack.  Entries are administratively
                 created and deleted via the vtpEditControlTable."
        ::= { ciscoTsVLANS 1 }

        SYNTAX  CiscoTsTrCRFInfoEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Definition of each row in the TrCRF Table"
        INDEX   { ciscoTsTrCRFInfoTrCRFNumber }
        ::= { ciscoTsTrCRFInfoTable 1 }

CiscoTsTrCRFInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        ciscoTsTrCRFInfoTrCRFNumber                     INTEGER,
        ciscoTsTrCRFInfoName                            DisplayString,
        ciscoTsTrCRFInfoSpanningTreeProtoSpecification  INTEGER,
        ciscoTsTrCRFInfoSpanningTreeBridgeForwardDelay  Timeout,
        ciscoTsTrCRFInfoSpanningTreeBridgeHelloTime     Timeout,
        ciscoTsTrCRFInfoSpanningTreeBridgeMaxAge        Timeout,
        ciscoTsTrCRFInfoSpanningTreeInternalPortMode    INTEGER

        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..1024)
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Unique identifier for this entry in the TrCRF
                table. Corresponds to the TrCRF number.
                It is also the index into the vtpVLANEntry table which
                is in the VTP MIB."
        ::= { ciscoTsTrCRFInfoEntry 1 }

        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (1..32))
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "User defined name of the TrCRF. The name can only be
                set in the VTP MIB."
        ::= { ciscoTsTrCRFInfoEntry 2 }

ciscoTsTrCRFInfoSpanningTreeProtoSpecification  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER { none(1), cisco(2), ieee(3), auto(4) }
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The Spanning Tree Protocol to run on this TrCRF."
        ::= { ciscoTsTrCRFInfoEntry 3 }

ciscoTsTrCRFInfoSpanningTreeBridgeForwardDelay  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Timeout
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The value used as the Forwarding Delay in this TrCRF. 
                The range for this parameter is 400 to 3000 and is related
                to the  value  of dtrSpanningTreeBridgeMaxAge. See 802.1D-1990
                for the relationship between dot1dStpBridgeMaxAge and
                dot1dStpBridgeForwardDelay. The granularity of this timer is
                specified to be 1/100 of a second. This agent will return a
                'badValue' error if a set is attempted to a value which is
                not a whole number of seconds."
        ::= { ciscoTsTrCRFInfoEntry 4 }

ciscoTsTrCRFInfoSpanningTreeBridgeHelloTime  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Timeout
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The value to be used as the Hello Time in this TrCRF.
                The range for this parameter is 100 to 1000.  The granularity
                of this timer is specified to be 1/100 of a second.  This
                agent will return a 'badValue' error if a set is attempted 
                to a value which is not a whole number of seconds."
        ::= { ciscoTsTrCRFInfoEntry 5 }

ciscoTsTrCRFInfoSpanningTreeBridgeMaxAge  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Timeout
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The value to be used as the Max Age in this TrCRF.
                The range for this parameter is 600 to 4000 and is related
                to the value of dtrSpanningTreeBridgeHelloTime.  See 
                802.1D-1990 for the relationship between dot1dStpBridgeMaxAge
                and dot1dStpBridgeHelloTime. The granularity of this timer 
                is specified to be 1/100 of a second. This agent will return
                a 'badValue' error if a set is attempted to a value which 
                is not a whole number of seconds."
        ::= { ciscoTsTrCRFInfoEntry 6 }

ciscoTsTrCRFInfoSpanningTreeInternalPortMode  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER { auto(1), forwarding(2), blocking(3) }
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Used when configuring manual spanning tree. Setting
                this object to forwarding(2) or blocking(3) overrides
                the spanning tree's algorithm for TrCRF's logical
                internal port that connects it to the TrBRF."
        ::= { ciscoTsTrCRFInfoEntry 7 }

-- TrBRF information Table

        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CiscoTsTrBRFInfoEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "TrBRF information table.  There is one entry
                 for each TrBRF in a stack.  Entries are administratively
                 created and deleted via the vtpEditControlTable."
        ::= { ciscoTsVLANS 2 }

        SYNTAX  CiscoTsTrBRFInfoEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Definition of each row in the TrBRF Table"
        INDEX   { ciscoTsTrBRFInfoTrBRFNumber }
        ::= { ciscoTsTrBRFInfoTable 1 }

CiscoTsTrBRFInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        ciscoTsTrBRFInfoTrBRFNumber                     INTEGER,
        ciscoTsTrBRFInfoName                            DisplayString,
        ciscoTsTrBRFInfoIpState                         INTEGER,
        ciscoTsTrBRFInfoIpAddress                       IpAddress,
        ciscoTsTrBRFInfoIpSubnetMask                    IpAddress,
        ciscoTsTrBRFInfoIpDefaultGateway                IpAddress,
        ciscoTsTrBRFInfoStpMode                         INTEGER,
        ciscoTsTrBRFInfoIEEEStpUsesBridgeFuncAddr       INTEGER

        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..1024)
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Unique identifier for this entry in the TrBRF
                table. Corresponds to the TrBRF number.
                It is also the index into the vtpVLANEntry table which
                is in the VTP MIB."
        ::= { ciscoTsTrBRFInfoEntry 1 }

        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (1..32))
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "User defined name of the TrBRF.  The name can only be
                set in the VTP MIB."
        ::= { ciscoTsTrBRFInfoEntry 2 }

ciscoTsTrBRFInfoIpState  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER { ip-disabled(1), 
                          bootp-always(3) }
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                 "IP configuration for this TrBRF."
        ::= { ciscoTsTrBRFInfoEntry 3 }

ciscoTsTrBRFInfoIpAddress  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  IpAddress
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "IP Address assigned to this TrBRF. Changes to the
                 IP Address of the TrBRF to which the management
                 station belongs cause loss of connectivity until
                 the management station updates its information about
                 the IP Address."
        ::= { ciscoTsTrBRFInfoEntry 4 }

ciscoTsTrBRFInfoIpSubnetMask  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  IpAddress
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The subnet mask for this TrBRF."
        ::= { ciscoTsTrBRFInfoEntry 5 }

ciscoTsTrBRFInfoIpDefaultGateway  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  IpAddress
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The IP Address of the default gateway for this TrBRF."
        ::= { ciscoTsTrBRFInfoEntry 6 }

        SYNTAX  INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) }
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "This object is used to enable or disable the Spanning Tree
                Protocol for this TrBRF."
        ::= { ciscoTsTrBRFInfoEntry 7 }

ciscoTsTrBRFInfoIEEEStpUsesBridgeFuncAddr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER { no(1), yes(2) }
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Enables the IEEE Spanning Tree Protocol at the TrBRF
                level to use the IBM bridge functional address instead
                of the default IEEE functional address."
        ::= { ciscoTsTrBRFInfoEntry 8 }

-- Transited VLANs

ciscoTsTransitedConfiguredTrCRFs OBJECT-TYPE
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "A string of octets containing one bit per TrCRF in the management
            domain.  The first octet corresponds to TrCRFs with
            ciscoTsTrCRFInfoTrCRFNumber 1 through 8; the second octet to
            TrCRFs 9 through 16; etc.  The most significant bit of each octet
            corresponds to the lowest value ciscoTsTrCRFInfoTrCRFNumber in
            that octet.  If the bit correspond to a TrCRF is set to '1', then
            the TrCRF is a transited configured TrCRF on the local device.
            (Default TrCRFs which must transit the local device are
            always considered to be 'transited configured TrCRFs'.)  Any
            attempt to:  set a bit string which has more bits set than the
            local device can transit; or does not have all bits set
            corresponding to default TrCRFs which must transit the device;
            or set any bits corresponding to non-existant TrCRFs (TrCRFs
            whose IDs are not defined in the management domain) will be
            rejected with a 'badValue' error."
    ::= { ciscoTsVLANS 3 }

ciscoTsTransitedTrCRFs OBJECT-TYPE
    ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS  mandatory        
            "A string of octets containing one bit per TrCRF in the management
            domain.  The first octet corresponds to TrCRFs with
            ciscoTsTrCRFInfoTrCRFNumber 1 through 8; the second octet to
            TrCRFs 9 through 16; etc.  The most significant bit of each octet
            corresponds to the lowest value ciscoTsTrCRFInfoTrCRFNumber in that
            octet.  If the bit corresponding to a TrCRF is set to '1', then
            the TrCRF transits the local device either because it was 
            configured to or because it was selected to automatically by the
            selection algorithm."
    ::= { ciscoTsVLANS 4 }

ciscoTsTransitedConfiguredTrBRFs OBJECT-TYPE
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "A string of octets containing one bit per TrBRF in the management
            domain.  The first octet corresponds to TrBRFs with
            ciscoTsTrBRFInfoTrBRFNumber 1 through 8; the second octet to
            TrBRFs 9 through 16; etc.  The most significant bit of each octet
            corresponds to the lowest value ciscoTsTrBRFInfoTrBRFNumber in
            that octet.  If the bit correspond to a TrBRF is set to '1', then
            the TrBRF is a transited configured TrBRF on the local device.
            (Default TrBRFs which must transit the local device are
            always considered to be 'transited configured TrBRFs'.)  Any
            attempt to:  set a bit string which has more bits set than the
            local device can transit; or does not have all bits set
            corresponding to default TrBRFs which must transit the device;
            or set any bits corresponding to non-existant TrBRFs (TrBRFs
            whose IDs are not defined in the management domain) will be
            rejected with a 'badValue' error."
    ::= { ciscoTsVLANS 5 }

ciscoTsTransitedTrBRFs OBJECT-TYPE
    ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS  mandatory        
            "A string of octets containing one bit per TrBRF in the management
            domain.  The first octet corresponds to TrBRFs with
            ciscoTsTrBRFInfoTrBRFNumber 1 through 8; the second octet to
            TrBRFs 9 through 16; etc.  The most significant bit of each octet
            corresponds to the lowest value ciscoTsTrBRFInfoTrBRFNumber in that
            octet.  If the bit corresponding to a TrBRF is set to '1', then
            the TrBRF transits the local device either because it was 
            configured to or because it was selected to automatically by the
            selection algorithm."
    ::= { ciscoTsVLANS 6 }

-- TokenChannel Table. 

        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CiscoTsTCEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The TokenChannel table.  There are always eight entries
                 in the table, one for each possible channel.  These
                 entries cannot be administratively deleted and no
                 entries may be created."
        ::= { ciscoTsTChannel 1 }

        SYNTAX  CiscoTsTCEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Definition of each row in the TokenChannel 
        INDEX   { ciscoTsTCSwitchNumber, ciscoTsTCNumber }
        ::= { ciscoTsTCTable 1 }

CiscoTsTCEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        ciscoTsTCSwitchNumber   INTEGER,
        ciscoTsTCNumber         INTEGER,
        ciscoTsTCPorts          OCTET STRING,
        ciscoTsTCStatus         INTEGER,
        ciscoTsTCActivePorts    OCTET STRING

ciscoTsTCSwitchNumber  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..8)
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Switch number determined by the port number
                that the switch is connected to in a
                Matrix or as determined by the Stack Management 
                software when two switches are connected back
                to back."
        ::= { ciscoTsTCEntry 1 }

ciscoTsTCNumber  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..8)
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The unique identifier for this row. Corresponds to the 
                TokenChannel number."
        ::= { ciscoTsTCEntry 2 }

        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The set of ports in this switch which are active in this 
                channel. Each octet within the value of this object 
                specifies a set of eight ports, with the first octet 
                specifying ports 1 through 8, the second octet specifying 
                ports 9 through 16, etc.  Within each octet, the most
                significant bit represents the lowest numbered
                port, and the least significant bit represents the
                highest numbered port.  Thus, each port of the
                switch is represented by a single bit within the
                value of this object.  If that bit has a value of
                '1' then that port is included in the set of
                configured ports; the port is not included if its bit has
                a value of '0'. Set requests containing '1' values in
                one or more bit positions which do not have a '1' value
                in the corresponding position in ciscoTsStackSwitchPorts
                will fail with a 'badValue' error.

                The maximum number of ports in a channel and
                therefore the maximum number of bits in this object
                containing '1' values is 8."
        ::= { ciscoTsTCEntry 3 }

        SYNTAX  INTEGER { up(1), down(2), reduced(3) }
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The current running status of the channel."
        ::= { ciscoTsTCEntry 4 }

ciscoTsTCActivePorts OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The set of ports in this switch which are active in this 
                channel. Each octet within the value of this object 
                specifies a set of eight ports, with the first octet 
                specifying ports 1 through 8, the second octet specifying 
                ports 9 through 16, etc.  Within each octet, the most
                significant bit represents the lowest numbered
                port, and the least significant bit represents the
                highest numbered port.  Thus, each port of the
                switch is represented by a single bit within the
                value of this object.  If that bit has a value of
                '1' then that port is included in the set of active
                ports; the port is not included if its bit has a
                value of '0'.    

                The maximum number of ports in a channel and
                therefore the maximum number of bits in this object
                containing '1' values is 8."
        ::= { ciscoTsTCEntry 5 }

-- ciscoTs Filter Group

-- Start Protocol Class Filter Table

ciscoTsProtocolClassFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CiscoTsProtocolClassFilterEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "DSAP and SNAP Filter Class table. This table is global
                for the entire stack."
        ::= { ciscoTsFilter 1 }

ciscoTsProtocolClassFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  CiscoTsProtocolClassFilterEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Definition of each row in the filter class table.
                 There are 15 entries in the table, one for each
                 protocol class.  These entries cannot be 
                 administratively deleted and no entries may be
        INDEX   { ciscoTsProtocolClassFilterIndex }
        ::= { ciscoTsProtocolClassFilterTable 1 }

CiscoTsProtocolClassFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        ciscoTsProtocolClassFilterIndex         INTEGER,
        ciscoTsProtocolClassFilterEtype         OCTET STRING,
        ciscoTsProtocolClassFilterDSAPs         OCTET STRING

ciscoTsProtocolClassFilterIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..15)
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Protocol class table index."
        ::= { ciscoTsProtocolClassFilterEntry 1 }

ciscoTsProtocolClassFilterEtype  OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "This is the two byte ether-type for this protocol
                class. Only one ether type may be set per protocol
                class. Setting an illegal ether type will result in a
                'badValue' error. Only 8 ether types can be configured.
                This object is only configurable for the first 8 protocol
                class objects."
        ::= { ciscoTsProtocolClassFilterEntry 2 }

ciscoTsProtocolClassFilterDSAPs  OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "This is the list of DSAPs associated with a 
                protocol class. Up to sixteen DSAPs may be specified
                per protocol class.  If any DSAP is an illegal value
                the entire object will be rejected."
        ::= { ciscoTsProtocolClassFilterEntry 3 }

-- End Protocol Class Filter Table

-- Start Protocol Filter Table

ciscoTsProtocolFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CiscoTsProtocolFilterEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "DSAP and SNAP Filter table. This table allows you
                to assign protocol classes and settings for each port.
                There is one entry in the table for each protocol
                class which has been enabled for filtering."
        ::= { ciscoTsFilter 2 }

ciscoTsProtocolFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  CiscoTsProtocolFilterEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Definition of each row in the filter table."
        INDEX   { ciscoTsStackSwitchNumber,
        ::= { ciscoTsProtocolFilterTable 1 }

CiscoTsProtocolFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        ciscoTsProtocolFilterPort               INTEGER,
        ciscoTsProtocolFilterBlockingMode       INTEGER,
        ciscoTsProtocolFilterTranspMode         INTEGER

ciscoTsProtocolFilterPort  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..32)
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "This is the port in the switch to which this table
                entry corresponds."
        ::= { ciscoTsProtocolFilterEntry 1 }

ciscoTsProtocolFilterBlockingMode  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER { all(1),
                          none(4) }
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "This determines the frame types that will be blocked
                for this protocol class on this port. Setting the
                values causes the following:

                all(1)  - causes all frames in this class to be blocked
                sr(2)   - causes source route frames in this class to 
                          be blocked
                nsr(3)  - causes non source routed frames in this class 
                          to be blocked
                none(4) - allow all frames in this protocol class. This
                           is the default value."
        ::= { ciscoTsProtocolFilterEntry 2 }

ciscoTsProtocolFilterTranspMode  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) }
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "If this port is in a SRT configured TrCRF, then
                setting this object will allow transparent bridging
                of frames in this protocol class. Setting this object
                to disable disallows transparent bridging of frames in 
                this protocol class. The default value is enable."
        ::= { ciscoTsProtocolFilterEntry 3 }

-- End Protocol Filter Table
-- Destination MAC Filter Table

ciscoTsMACDestFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CiscoTsMACDestFilterEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "A table of destination filters set up in the switch.
                New filters are created by adding entries to this
                table.  Note that values for all of the relevant objects
                for a particular type of filter must be specified in a
                single SNMP set operation on creation of a filter.  Set
                operations which do not contain all of the required objects
                for a given filter type will fail with an error-status
                of 'genErr'.  The objects required for each filter type are
                as follows:
                ciscoTsMACDestFilterType   |   Required Objects for Creation
                ========================   |   =============================
                block-dest(1)              |   ciscoTsMACDestFilterPorts
                allow-dest(2)              |   ciscoTsMACDestFilterPorts
                limited-multicast(3)       |   ciscoTsMACDestFilterPorts
                                           |   ciscoTsMACDestFilterExitMask
                force-dest(4)              |   ciscoTsMACDestFilterPorts
                                           |   ciscoTsMACDestFilterRemoteBox
                                           |   ciscoTsMACDestFilterRemotePort 

                Since the indices for the table are switch number, MAC
                address, and filter type, the instance information for a given
                object specifies which filter is being created.  For example,
                a set request for


                will create a filter of type 't' (as enumerated for
                ciscoTsMACDestFilterType) for MAC address a1:a2:a3:a4:a5:a6
                on switch number 's'. "
        ::= { ciscoTsFilter 3 }

ciscoTsMACDestFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  CiscoTsMACDestFilterEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Definition of each row in the filter table."
        INDEX   { 
        ::= { ciscoTsMACDestFilterTable 1 }

CiscoTsMACDestFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        ciscoTsMACDestFilterSwitchNumber        INTEGER,
        ciscoTsMACDestFilterStationAddress      MacAddr,
        ciscoTsMACDestFilterType                INTEGER,
        ciscoTsMACDestFilterPorts               OCTET STRING,
        ciscoTsMACDestFilterExitMask            OCTET STRING,
        ciscoTsMACDestFilterRemoteBox           INTEGER,
        ciscoTsMACDestFilterRemotePort          INTEGER,
        ciscoTsMACDestFilterStatus              INTEGER

ciscoTsMACDestFilterSwitchNumber  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..8)
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Switch number determined by the port number
                that the switch is connected to in a
                Matrix or as determined by the Stack Management 
                software when two switches are connected back
                to back."
        ::= { ciscoTsMACDestFilterEntry 1 }

ciscoTsMACDestFilterStationAddress OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  MacAddr
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The destination MAC address in a frame to which
                this entry's filtering information applies."
        ::= { ciscoTsMACDestFilterEntry 2 }

ciscoTsMACDestFilterType OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                 "There are three types of destination MAC address
                 (1) Block destination address at specific ports.
                 Indicates that the specified ports must not send frames
                 to the specified destination station address.
                 (2) Allow destination address at specific ports.
                 Indicates that the specified ports must send frames to
                 the specified destination stations only.
                 (3) Force destination address to specific ports.
                 This may be used for two purposes:
                 a. Allow forwarding to a unicast address, which has
                 not been learned.
                 b. Limit forwarding of a multicast address to certain
                 ports. Note, that this filter will only be applied to
                 NSR frames.
                 (4) Limited Multicast of address on filtered port(s) to
                 specified exit mask of ports."
        ::= { ciscoTsMACDestFilterEntry 3 }

ciscoTsMACDestFilterPorts OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The set of ports to which this filter is applied.
                Each octet within the value of this object specifies 
                a set of eight ports, with the first octet specifying 
                ports 1 through 8, the second octet specifying ports 9
                through 16, etc.  Within each octet, the most
                significant bit represents the lowest numbered
                port, and the least significant bit represents the
                highest numbered port.  Thus, each port of the
                switch is represented by a single bit within the
                value of this object.  If that bit has a value of
                '1' then that port is included in the set of
                ports; the port is not included if its bit has a
                value of '0'."
        ::= { ciscoTsMACDestFilterEntry 4 }

ciscoTsMACDestFilterExitMask OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The set of output ports to which a limited multicast
                filter is applied. This object only has a value for
                Limited Multicast filters.
                Each octet within the value of this object specifies 
                a set of eight ports, with the first octet specifying 
                ports 1 through 8, the second octet specifying ports 9
                through 16, etc.  Within each octet, the most
                significant bit represents the lowest numbered
                port, and the least significant bit represents the
                highest numbered port.  Thus, each port of the
                switch is represented by a single bit within the
                value of this object.  If that bit has a value of
                '1' then that port is included in the set of
                ports; the port is not included if its bit has a
                value of '0'."
        ::= { ciscoTsMACDestFilterEntry 5 }

ciscoTsMACDestFilterRemoteBox OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8)
        ACCESS read-write
        STATUS mandatory
                "The remote switch to be used for a force destination filter."
        ::= { ciscoTsMACDestFilterEntry 6 }

ciscoTsMACDestFilterRemotePort OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32)
        ACCESS read-write
        STATUS mandatory
                "The remote port to be used for a force destination filter."
        ::= { ciscoTsMACDestFilterEntry 7 }

ciscoTsMACDestFilterStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX INTEGER { valid(1), invalid(2) }
        ACCESS read-write
        STATUS mandatory
                "A get request always returns valid(1). Set this object
                 to invalid(2) to delete an entry."
        ::= { ciscoTsMACDestFilterEntry 8 }

-- End Destination MAC Filter Table

-- Source MAC Filter Table

ciscoTsMACSourceFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CiscoTsMACSourceFilterEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "A table of source filters set up in the switch.
                New filters are created by adding entries to this
                table.  Note that values for all of the relevant objects
                for a particular type of filter must be specified in a
                single SNMP set operation on creation of a filter.  Set
                operations which do not contain all of the required objects
                for a given filter type will fail with an error-status
                of 'genErr'.  The objects required for each filter type are
                as follows:
                ciscoTsMACSourceFilterType  |  Required Objects for Creation
                ==========================  |  =============================
                block-src(1)                |  ciscoTsMACSourceFilterPorts
                allow-src(2)                |  ciscoTsMACSourceFilterPorts

                Since the indices for the table are switch number, MAC
                address, and filter type, the instance information for a given
                object specifies which filter is being created.  For example,
                a set request for


                will create a filter of type 't' (as enumerated for
                ciscoTsMACSourceFilterType) for MAC address a1:a2:a3:a4:a5:a6
                on switch number 's'. "
        ::= { ciscoTsFilter 4 }

ciscoTsMACSourceFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  CiscoTsMACSourceFilterEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Definition of each row in the filter table."
        INDEX   { 
        ::= { ciscoTsMACSourceFilterTable 1 }

CiscoTsMACSourceFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        ciscoTsMACSourceFilterSwitchNumber      INTEGER,
        ciscoTsMACSourceFilterStationAddress    MacAddr,
        ciscoTsMACSourceFilterType              INTEGER,
        ciscoTsMACSourceFilterPorts             OCTET STRING,
        ciscoTsMACSourceFilterStatus            INTEGER

ciscoTsMACSourceFilterSwitchNumber  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..8)
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Switch number determined by the port number
                that the switch is connected to in a
                Matrix or as determined by the Stack Management 
                software when two switches are connected back
                to back."
        ::= { ciscoTsMACSourceFilterEntry 1 }

ciscoTsMACSourceFilterStationAddress OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  MacAddr
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The destination MAC address in a frame to which
                this entry's filtering information applies."
        ::= { ciscoTsMACSourceFilterEntry 2 }

ciscoTsMACSourceFilterType OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "There are two types of source address filters:
                (1) Block source address at specific ports.
                Indicates that the specific source addresses must not
                send frames from specified ports.
                (2) Allow source address at specific ports.
                Indicates that only the specified source addresses must
                send frames from the specified ports."
        ::= { ciscoTsMACSourceFilterEntry 3 }

ciscoTsMACSourceFilterPorts OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The set of ports to which this filter is applied.
                Each octet within the value of this object specifies 
                a set of eight ports, with the first octet specifying 
                ports 1 through 8, the second octet specifying ports 9
                through 16, etc.  Within each octet, the most
                significant bit represents the lowest numbered
                port, and the least significant bit represents the
                highest numbered port.  Thus, each port of the
                switch is represented by a single bit within the
                value of this object.  If that bit has a value of
                '1' then that port is included in the set of
                ports; the port is not included if its bit has a
                value of '0'."
        ::= { ciscoTsMACSourceFilterEntry 4 }

ciscoTsMACSourceFilterStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX INTEGER { valid(1), invalid(2) }
        ACCESS read-write
        STATUS mandatory
                "A get request always returns valid(1). Set this object
                 to invalid(2) to delete an entry."
        ::= { ciscoTsMACSourceFilterEntry 5 }

ciscoTsDupAddrFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CiscoTsDupAddrFilterEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "A table of MAC addresses that have been identified as
                 duplicates within an address scope.  There is one
                 entry in the tale for each such address.  Entries
                 cannot be administratively created/deleted."
        ::= { ciscoTsFilter 5 }

ciscoTsDupAddrFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  CiscoTsDupAddrFilterEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Definition of rows in the duplicate address table."
        INDEX   { ciscoTsDupAddrFilterSwitchNumber,
                  ciscoTsDupAddrFilterStationAddress }
        ::= { ciscoTsDupAddrFilterTable 1 }

CiscoTsDupAddrFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        ciscoTsDupAddrFilterSwitchNumber        INTEGER,
        ciscoTsDupAddrFilterStationAddress      MacAddr,
        ciscoTsDupAddrFilterPorts               OCTET STRING

ciscoTsDupAddrFilterSwitchNumber  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..8)
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Switch number determined by the port number
                that the switch is connected to in a
                Matrix or as determined by the Stack Management
                software when two switches are connected back
                to back."
        ::= { ciscoTsDupAddrFilterEntry 1 }

ciscoTsDupAddrFilterStationAddress  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  MacAddr
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "The MAC address that has been identified as being
                 a duplicate.  All frames having this MAC address as their
                 source address are being discarded at the ports specified
                 in ciscoTsDupAddrFilterPorts."
        ::= { ciscoTsDupAddrFilterEntry 2 }
ciscoTsDupAddrFilterPorts OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "A bit mask representing all the ports on which this
                duplicate MAC address is currently being filtered.
                Each octet within the value of this object specifies a set
                of eight ports, with the first octet specifying ports 1
                through 8, the second octet specifying ports 9 through 16,
                etc.  Within each octet, the most significant bit represents
                the lowest numbered port, and the least significant bit
                represents the highest numbered port.  Thus, each port of
                the switch is represented by a single bit within the
                value of this object.  If that bit has a value of
                '1' then that port is included in the set of
                ports in this switch; the port is not included in this
                switch if its bit has a value of '0'." 
        ::= { ciscoTsDupAddrFilterEntry 3 }

-- Start Trunk Protocol Filter Table

ciscoTsTrunkProtocolFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CiscoTsTrunkProtocolFilterEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "DSAP and SNAP Filter table for trunk ports which support
                protocol filters on a per-TrCRF basis. This table allows you
                to assign protocol classes and settings for each TrCRF on
                each trunk port.  There is one entry in the table for
                each (switch, port, TrCRF, protocol class) tuple for which
                filtering has been enabled."
        ::= { ciscoTsFilter 6 }

ciscoTsTrunkProtocolFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  CiscoTsTrunkProtocolFilterEntry
        ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  mandatory
                "Definition of each row in the filter table."
        INDEX   { ciscoTsStackSwitchNumber,
        ::= { ciscoTsTrunkProtocolFilterTable 1 }

CiscoTsTrunkProtocolFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        ciscoTsTrunkProtocolFilterPort          INTEGER,
        ciscoTsTrunkProtocolFilterBlockingMode  INTEGER,
        ciscoTsTrunkProtocolFilterTranspMode    INTEGER

ciscoTsTrunkProtocolFilterPort  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..32)
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                "This is the port in the switch to which this table
                entry corresponds."
        ::= { ciscoTsTrunkProtocolFilterEntry 1 }

ciscoTsTrunkProtocolFilterBlockingMode  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER { all(1),
                          none(4) }
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "This determines the frame types that will be blocked
                for this protocol class on this TrCRF on this port. Setting
                the values causes the following:

                all(1)  - causes all frames in this class to be blocked
                sr(2)   - causes source route frames in this class to 
                          be blocked
                nsr(3)  - causes non source routed frames in this class 
                          to be blocked
                none(4) - allow all frames in this protocol class. This
                          is the default value."
        ::= { ciscoTsTrunkProtocolFilterEntry 2 }

ciscoTsTrunkProtocolFilterTranspMode  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) }
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                "If this port is in a SRT configured TrCRF, then
                setting this object will allow transparent bridging
                of frames in this protocol class. Setting this object
                to disable disallows transparent bridging of frames in 
                this protocol class. The default value is enable."
        ::= { ciscoTsTrunkProtocolFilterEntry 3 }

-- End Protocol Filter Table

-- Trap definitions

ciscoTsStackCfgChange TRAP-TYPE
        ENTERPRISE  ciscoTsConfig
        VARIABLES   { sysName, sysLocation, ciscoTsNumSwitches }    
                "This trap is generated when there is a change in the 
                 stack configuration i.e. when either a new switch is 
                 added to the stack or a switch leaves a stack.
                 ciscoTsNumSwitches indicates the current number of switches
                 which are part of the stack. The management station should 
                 update its stack information according to the stack table."
        ::= 1

ciscoTsStackProStackMatrixChange TRAP-TYPE
        ENTERPRISE  ciscoTsConfig
        VARIABLES   { sysName, sysLocation, ciscoTsProStackMatrixStatus }
                "This trap is generated when the stack switches over
                 from primary to secondary Matrix or from 
                 secondary back to primary Matrix."
        ::= 2

ciscoTsStackTempChange TRAP-TYPE
        ENTERPRISE  ciscoTsStack
        VARIABLES   { sysName, sysLocation, ciscoTsStackSwitchTemperature }
                "This trap is generated when the temperature in a 
                 switch exceeds normal or returns to normal."    
        ::= 3

ciscoTsStackPwrStatusChange TRAP-TYPE
        ENTERPRISE  ciscoTsStack
        VARIABLES   { sysName, sysLocation, ciscoTsStackSwitchPwrSupplyStatus }
                "This trap is generated when the status of the power supply
        ::= 4

-- Per Port Traps

ciscoTsPortStrNFwdEntry TRAP-TYPE
   ENTERPRISE  ciscoTsPort
   VARIABLES   { sysName, sysLocation, ciscoTsPortCfgActualForwardingMode }    
        "This trap is generated when a port automatically
        enters store and forward mode when the error rate 
        exceeds the threshold."
   ::= 1

ciscoTsPortCfgLossTrap TRAP-TYPE
   ENTERPRISE  ciscoTsPort
   VARIABLES   { sysName, sysLocation, ciscoTsPortStatsCfgLoss }
        "This trap occurs when a port is disabled because
        it has exceeded its Configuration Loss Threshold
        within the configured Sampling Period."
   ::= 2
ciscoTsBeaconStart TRAP-TYPE
   ENTERPRISE  ciscoTsPort
   VARIABLES { sysName, sysLocation, ciscoTsPortCfgNumber }
        "This trap is generated when a port or a station local to a
        port begins to beacon.  It is sent out only when a ring status
        change indicates that a station is beaconing." 
   ::= 3
ciscoTsBeaconEnd TRAP-TYPE
   ENTERPRISE  ciscoTsPort
   VARIABLES   { sysName, sysLocation, ciscoTsPortCfgNumber }
        "This trap is generated when the ring status change indicates
        that a ring is no longer beaconing. This trap only occurs only
        once when the status actually changes."
   ::= 4

ciscoTsDuplicateMACAddr TRAP-TYPE
   ENTERPRISE  ciscoTsPort
   VARIABLES   { sysName, sysLocation, ciscoTsPortCfgNumber }
        "This trap is generated when a duplicate MAC address is detected
        on a port in a TrCRF which already has learned that MAC address."
   ::= 5

ciscoTsPortSoftErrExceededTrap TRAP-TYPE
   ENTERPRISE  ciscoTsPort
   VARIABLES   { sysName, sysLocation, ciscoTsStackSwitchNumber,
                ringStationMacAddress, ifName }
        "This trap is generated when a station local to a port
        exceeds its Soft Error Threshold within the configured         
   ::= 6

-- Traps for the Spanning Tree Protocol

        ENTERPRISE  ciscoTsVLANS
        VARIABLES   { sysName, sysLocation, ciscoTsTrCRFInfoTrCRFNumber }    
                "This trap is a TrCRF specific version of the
                newRoot trap as described in RFC1493.
                The newRoot trap indicates that the sending agent
                has become the new root of the Spanning Tree; the
                trap is sent by a bridge soon after its election
                as the new root, e.g., upon expiration of the
                Topology Change Timer immediately subsequent to
                its election.  Implementation of this trap is
        ::= 1

ciscoTsTrCRFTopologyChange TRAP-TYPE
        ENTERPRISE  ciscoTsVLANS
        VARIABLES   { sysName, sysLocation, ciscoTsTrCRFInfoTrCRFNumber }    
                "This trap is a TrCRF specific version of the
                topologyChange trap as described in RFC1493.
                A topologyChange trap is sent by a bridge when
                any of its configured ports transitions from the
                Learning state to the Forwarding state, or from
                the Forwarding state to the Blocking state.  The
                trap is not sent if a newRoot trap is sent for the
                same transition.  Implementation of this trap is
        ::= 2

        ENTERPRISE  ciscoTsVLANS
        VARIABLES   { sysName, sysLocation, 
                      ciscoTsTrBRFInfoTrBRFNumber }    
                "This trap is a TrBRF specific version of the
                newRoot trap as described in RFC1493.
                The newRoot trap indicates that the sending agent
                has become the new root of the Spanning Tree; the
                trap is sent by a bridge soon after its election
                as the new root, e.g., upon expiration of the
                Topology Change Timer immediately subsequent to
                its election.  Implementation of this trap is
        ::= 3

ciscoTsTrBRFTopologyChange TRAP-TYPE
        ENTERPRISE  ciscoTsVLANS
        VARIABLES   { sysName, sysLocation, 
                      ciscoTsTrBRFInfoTrBRFNumber }    
                "This trap is a TrBRF specific version of the
                topologyChange trap as described in RFC1493.
                A topologyChange trap is sent by a bridge when
                any of its configured ports transitions from the
                Learning state to the Forwarding state, or from
                the Forwarding state to the Blocking state.  The
                trap is not sent if a newRoot trap is sent for the
                same transition.  Implementation of this trap is
        ::= 4

-- Traps for TokenChannels

ciscoTsTokenChannelFailed TRAP-TYPE
        ENTERPRISE  ciscoTsTChannel
        VARIABLES   { sysName, sysLocation, ciscoTsTCPorts }    
                "This trap is sent when one of the links in an
                 TokenChannel fail. The variable ciscoTsTCPorts
                 contains the ports which are operational in the
        ::= 1

ciscoTsTokenChannelStatus TRAP-TYPE
        ENTERPRISE  ciscoTsTChannel
        VARIABLES   { sysName, sysLocation, ciscoTsTCStatus,
                      ciscoTsTCPorts, ciscoTsTCActivePorts }    
                "This trap is sent to report a TokenChannel or 
                 ISLChannel status change.  The variable ciscoTsTCStatus
                 contains the current channel status.  The variable 
                 ciscoTsTCPorts contains the ports which are configured 
                 in the channel.  The variable ciscoTsTCActivePorts 
                 contains the ports which are active in the channel."
        ::= 2